Expression and Creativity is an essential Human Element and rite. Language is as old as humanity itself; moreover, all of Creation was established by language. The Written Word is our most sophisticated means of recording our own history, culture, and validation of our own ability to express and create. Moreover, the written word in some parts of humanity is also ART. Not only Cuneiform or Latin or Greek, but Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Mayan, Hebrew, and Asian Character writing is even more visually appealing. But even the most ancient of writing is a visual medium. Within that thought, we must also embrace art and expression through art. We must be wary of creating images of our Creator or images in which we worship. But expression is our right and responsibility. As a writer, artist, and mostly a poet, I embrace that right and privilege.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Early Morning Overflow!

There was some editing afterwords to make it more coherent, but this note was taken at 3AM during a time of sleeplessness.  Sometimes I wake in the night with an overflow of what is on my mind.
The profound impact that Constantinopolitan Creeds, Nicene Creeds, and Augustinian "Christology" had on western faith was beyond tragic.  Others too had huge impact on our totally ruined faith: Justin Martyr, & other converted philosophers of the Socrates school twisted and added to the scriptures almost as much as the Judaizers following Paul and his merry band of men and women workers, all of whom were carrying the entire world on their shoulders.  Also Origen and the Alexandrian impact twisted some of the Greek NT’s and set precedence.  God says that true religion is to meet the needs of widows and orphans in their distress and to not allow the world to influence you!  There are a slew of early Christian fathers who were so incredibly tainted by this world that it is ridiculous!!!  Many of them--whose views we keep today considered Socrates a Man-of-God...a saint even.  These men developed the confusion between the paradisiacal Hades and eternal life with God the Father and the lake of fire in Hades and eternal destruction/the second death after judgment.  Also...some of our greatest reformers of whom had pulled us out of the dark ages and whom also brought us the bible, also brought some of the most fictitious and fantastic ideas of Christianity that we still have to date. At this time in my life-20years ago-I was going to start a Christian’s movement that was going to bring God the world.  The wisest of the wise started training me for that wish ever since!  What my training has taught me is that the world doesn't need another reformer or just needs to start reading the bible again.

In the past century we have had men like Robert Schuller, Oral Roberts, and Billy Graham to lead us and millions of people, with all their love and sweat, into countless false conversions!  They have done more harm to the souls of millions than any mid millennial reformer did!  They have lead astray many very high profile TV evangelists astray all because of a hope of the spiritual quick fix.  The quick need to not be tortured forever and the fear of a wrathful OT God preached for and about by slippery spiritual snake-oil salesmen offering up the devils greatest gift to his self—the sinners prayer.  There are those that shake their heads at that kind of talk and don't want me to write about it because according to them it is destroying people’s faith and casting aspersions by reinforcing works oriented preaching.  I hope in Christ's name that I am! I hope that many high potential people out there can open their eyes to their entire false long term relationship with God, the same way Apollos did...with an open heart.

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